Chestnut Blight Info

CAI has been working with Agriculture Victoria and preparing a wealth of material for growers, their staff and other support people to undertake a comprehensive survey program.
Some of the material includes:
- Guide to managing Chestnut Blight
- Chestnut Blight surveillance form
- Guide to the removal of Chestnut Blight infected trees – information is within the ‘Guide to managing chestnut blight’
- About Chestnut Blight
- Is your farm at risk of being infected with Chestnut Blight?
- Preventing the spread of Chestnut Blight
- Hygiene Station Guide
- Chestnut Blight Poster
- Pests and diseases of Chestnut trees – as a poster
- A full on-line Training Program – The chestnut blight online course can be accessed via the Agriculture Victoria Learning Management System at Users will need to sign up to access the course but it is free and quick to register.
- AgVic have also updated the chestnut blight page here
Posted 23/2/24
On the 10th February 2024, Chestnuts Australia held a Field Day in and around Beechworth. Please CLICK HERE to view the presentation delivered by the Chestnut Industry Biosecurity Officer Elke Jasper.
Posted 21/11/23
On the 18th November, Chestnuts Australia held an Information Session with Growers and members of the Community were invited to attend. Please CLICK HERE to view the presentation delivered by the Chestnut Industry Biosecurity Officer Elke Jasper.
Posted 22/2/23
2023 Field Day – Presentation – Saturday 11th February – Tumbarumba/Batlow NSW
Posted 13/12/22
On the 19th November, Chestnuts Australia held a Chestnut Blight Information Session with Growers and members of the Community invited to attend. Please CLICK HERE to view the presentation delivered by the Chestnut Industry Biosecurity Officer Elke Jasper and CLICK HERE to view the presentation given by David Smith of Arbor Carbon.
Posted 1/11/22
Posted 17/6/22
On-Farm Chestnut Biosecurity Planner
Work on the Chestnut Biosecurity Planner has been completed. A hard copy has been posted to each CAI member. The planner is such that you can write notes in each of the sections to assist you in undertaking your own on-farm biosecurity. Use the document also to inform, train and educate your orchard staff.
Posted 16/7/21
Invasive Species Compendium
Detailed coverage of invasive species threatening livelihoods and the environment worldwide
Biology and Ecology
Detection and Inspection
Similarities to Other Species/Conditions
Media Release – 19/01/21
Victorian chestnut growers will be supported with a range of new materials to manage chestnut blight on their trees.
Chestnuts Australia Inc. has contracted a Chestnut Industry Biosecurity Officer to work as part of the Chestnut Blight team.
Elke Jasper has been engaged and commenced on the 1st December 2020.
Elke has been contracted as the Industry Biosecurity Officer (IBO) to work with the growers and industry to maintain and expand the Chestnut Blight program of locating and destroying any remnants of the disease within Victoria. This can only be done with your help and willingness to learn together to explore new and proven effective biosecurity techniques.
CAI has been working with Agriculture Victoria and preparing a wealth of material for growers, their staff and other support people to undertake a comprehensive survey program.
Some of the material includes:
- Guide to managing Chestnut Blight
- Chestnut Blight surveillance form
- Guide to the removal of Chestnut Blight infected trees – information is within the ‘Guide to managing chestnut blight’
- Chestnut Blight Poster
- Pests and diseases of Chestnut trees – as a poster
- A full on-line Training Program – The chestnut blight online course can be accessed via the Agriculture Victoria Learning Management System at Users will need to sign up to access the course but it is free and quick to register.
- AgVic have also updated the chestnut blight page here
The newly contracted IBO will deliver copies of all the documents as part of her visits. In addition, the Guide to managing Chestnut Blight and Chestnut Blight surveillance form are available online.
If you need to discuss any matters relating to Chestnut Blight do not hesitate to contact Trevor Ranford on 0417 809 172 or email or email Elke Jasper at
Chestnut Blight – Symptoms – Martin Mebalds – Agriculture Victoria – 16th November 2019
Chestnut blight was detected in the Ovens Valley, Victoria, in September 2010. A national cost-shared eradication response under the EPPRD was agreed by NMG on 25 November 2010, with activities including:
• removal and destruction of host trees (chestnut and oak trees)
• assessment and payment of owner reimbursement costs to eligible growers
• restrictions on the movement of host material, equipment and machinery
• surveillance to demonstrate freedom (during autumn and spring)
• regular surveillance of the area
• regular communication and engagement with industry.
The NMG agreed on 3rd October 2019 based on the technical advice from CCEPP, that eradication of chestnut blight from Australia is not technically feasible or cost effective and the response should enter a Transition to Management Phase.
As of 28th October 2019, chestnut blight has been confirmed on 17 properties in the Ovens Valley region and one property in Fumina, Victoria.
Agriculture Victoria and Chestnuts Australia have since prepared a plan for the orderly transition from eradication under the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed (EPPRD) to long term management outside the EPPRD. The NMG considered this plan and it was agreed to by all parties on the 20th December 2019. The aim of the revised response plan will be to assist growers to manage the disease into the future.
Agriculture Victoria and Chestnuts Australia will continue to work together to limit the impact of this disease on the chestnut industry.
Chestnut Blight Update – Trevor Ranford – Chestnuts Australia Inc. – February 2019
Chestnut Blight Update – Martin Mebalds – Agriculture Victoria – February 2018
During the Autumn 2017 phase of the surveillance program a small number of infected trees were found within the Ovens Valley region. This brings the total number of properties affected to sixteen.
Chestnut Blight Update – Industry Notice – August 2017
PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CODES (PIC) Property Identification Codes (PICs) are mandatory for all chestnut groves in Victoria with 20 trees or more. PIC compliance is underway and failure to register for a PIC may see growers subject to penalties under the Act. PICs provide Agriculture Victoria with the ability to respond to outbreaks of exotic pests and diseases quickly and efficiently. This is crucial when chestnut blight is still under an eradication program. Victorian chestnut growers can register for a PIC free of charge by ringing the PIC helpline 1800 678 779 or via searching for ‘PIC’ on the Agriculture Victoria website at:
An update was provided to Industry at a field day held on 18th February, 2017. Please CLICK HERE to view.
During the Autumn 2016 phase of the surveillance program one tree was detected with the infection in the Ovens Valley.
The following Media Release and Update was circulated by CAI on the 10th August 2016;
Chestnut Blight Update – August 2016 – CALL TO ACTION
The following updates have been provided by the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) November 2015.
Please CLICK HERE to view Market Access Information from DEPI regarding permits etc
To view the Order please go to
Chestnut Blight update July 2014 please CLICK HERE
Chestnut Blight update February 2014 please CLICK HERE
All other information on the incursion has been archived to the Members Only Area.